Understanding English Language Variation in U.S. Schools

*Understanding English Language Variation in U.S. Schools, Christine Mallinson and Anne H. Charity Hudley of the College of William & Mary, is now available on Amazon.com $29.95.

Foreword by Bill Labov, an afterword by Walt Wolfram, and endorsements by Deborah Tannen, Terry Wiley, Samy Alim, and others. The book tailors information about language variation to diverse U.S. educational contexts, with chapters focusing on language and multicultural education, the concept of School English, Southern, Appalachian, and African American English varieties, and the relationship between language variation and assessment. The text attunes readers to language differences, explores issues of everyday concern to those who are assessing the linguistic competence of students, and offers practical strategies to support student achievement while fostering positive language attitudes in classrooms and beyond.

Drafts have successfully been used in a range of graduate and undergraduate classes, including African American English, American English, Dialectology, Language Attitudes, Language in Diverse Schools and Communities, Language in Society, and Language Variation and Education.

Advances in Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis

Cambridge Scholar Publishing is launching Advances in pragmatics and discourse analysis. The main goal of the series is to offer high quality volumes, both monographs and edited collections, dealing with current and innovative research on all sub-fields of pragmatics and discourse analysis.

Editors: Pilar Garcéés-Conejos Blitvich, Ph.D. – Associate Professor – Department of English – University of North Carolina at Charlotte – pgblitvi@uncc.edu and Manuel Padilla-Cruz, Ph.D. – Lecturer – Department of English Language and Linguistics – University of Seville –mpadillacruz@us.es

For submissions guidelines and general information please go to http://www.c-s-p.org//Flyers/series_14.htm