SECOL session at NWAV! (deadline June 1)

Dear SECOL member,


New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV) 47 will have a 4-paper session reserved for SECOL!  NWAV 47 will meet at  New York University on October 18-21, 2018.  Since we have just finalized this arrangement, the deadline for submissions is rather soon — 1 June 2018 by midnight.  There is an online submission page; you will need an anonymized PDF to upload, containing no more than 500 words, confined to 1 page of text. (Bibliography, glossed/transcribed examples, and images are allowed to appear on a second page and do not count toward the word limit.)   I suggest putting SECOL in parentheses after your paper title so the committee can identify our proposals.  If you have questions, please direct them to